YYG Energy Baby Tutroial

YYG Energy
5 min readMar 31, 2022



1. Introduction

2. How To Get YYG Token?

3. How To Get YYG Energy Baby NFT

4. How To Stake YYG Token?

5. How To DeFi YYG Energy Baby ?

6. Profit Calculation Form

7. Referral Rewards

1. Introduction

YYG is a NFT DeFi event !

Users can earn profits by mining YYG and YYG Power Baby NFTs.

  • YYG Token Pools:

Only DeFi YYG tokens, and get YYG income based on real-time APY


Use YYG tokens to draw cards (Mint) and pay 20YYG to open the card slot. Insert cards of different levels and colors and get YYG income of different APY

2. How To Get YYG Token?

Click the Exchange bottom on the event page, Swap token on Pancakeswap.

3. How To Get YYG Energy Baby NFT

1. Find Public Sale in the function list on the left side of the interface.

2. Set the quantity you want to mint.

3. Press the mint button.

(Costs 100YYG to draw a card.)

  1. The purchased YYG Energy Baby will be displayed in the wallet and arranged in order according to different levels such as Jackpot, BNB, SSR, SR, R, N, etc.

4. How To Stake YYG Token?

  1. Find pools in the function list, click it and you will enter the mining interface!

2. Click the small arrow in the lower right corner to open the complete list of pools.

3. Fill in the number in the Stake section and press Enable to start mining!

4. If you want to withdraw the income obtained from mining, press Harvest in the YYG EARNED column, and you can successfully withdraw.

5. If you want to stop mining, you need to press Withdraw in the bottom column. Then your mining action will be stopped, and the principal will be withdrawn and returned to your wallet.

5. How to DeFi YYG Energy Baby?

  1. Find Mining in the function list on the left side of the interface. You can see the Activate Card Slot after clicking in, which can be used to slot the NFT you bought before (you can activate a set of four cards at most) to get the bonus of mining multiples!

3. The best effect is to put NFTs of the same level that is full of four colors into the card slot! Insert the four colors of NFTs into the card slot, and then spend the activation fee of 20YYG, and you can start mining~

6. Profit Calculation Form

  1. Basic Profit (Single Card)

No matter what color of the N card you get, after a single card is inserted, you will earn 110 YYG. The process lasts for 30 days.

No matter what color of the R card you get, after a single card is inserted, you will earn 120 YYG. The process lasts for 40 days.

No matter what color of the SR card you get, after a single card is inserted, you will earn 140 YYG. The process lasts for 50 days.

No matter what color of the SSR card you get, after a single card is inserted, you will earn 200 YYG. The process lasts for 60 days.

2. Advanced Profit (The same level with four colors)

The N-level card slot is filled with red, blue, green, and yellow cards. The extra bonus when mining is started is 20%, which means that 120% of the efficiency will be used for 30 days of continuous mining. The annual interest rate is 384%.

The R-level card slot is filled with red, blue, green, and yellow cards. The extra bonus when mining is started is 30%, which means that 130% of the efficiency will be used for 40 days of continuous mining. The annual interest rate is 504%.

The SR-level card slot is filled with red, blue, green, and yellow cards. The extra bonus when mining is started is 50%, which means that 150% of the efficiency will be used for 50 days of continuous mining. The annual interest rate is 792%.

The SSR-level card slot is filled with red, blue, green, and yellow cards. The extra bonus when mining is started is 100%, which means that 200% of the efficiency will be used for 60 days of continuous mining. The annual interest rate is 1800%.

3. Jackpot Card Award(Limited to 100)

Get 0.02% of the income directly, which is 2YYG.

In addition, if you find that your NFT number is between 0 and 99, we also have a jackpot mechanism!

Collect 10 NFTs with the same tail number, for example, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, you can exchange for the grand prize “Sales x20” YYE/1 year vesting!

Or sell it directly to the YYG official and get 5000BUSD!

4. BNB Card Special Award (limited to 400)

Get 0.08% of the income directly, which is 8YYG.

7. Referral Rewards

Finally, we will show you the rules of recommended bonuses!

1%: 5 recommended + blind box 20

2%: 10 recommended + blind box 200

3%: 30 recommended + blind box 500

**Blind box accumulation only calculates own purchases and a layer of recommenders

**Please report to the Discord “Recommend-Apply” server when the recommendation is complete

You can also get a whitelist airdrop card by recommending friends to the official community. For details, please refer to FB, discord, IG, Twitter, and other communities!



YYG Energy

YYG Energy是為建構新興能源價值鏈所生。讓新能源走向自由化、分散化、去炭化、和數位化,讓每一位用戶都能成為能源的主人。能源共享的時代即將來臨,快一起加入我們,讓利益共享,環境共生。